Agent Experience is Missing an Ingredient
Add knowledge management to your recipe for resolving agent experience woes “Knowledge Management (KM) is the #1 technology for enhancing the three main customer service perspectives of operational performance, customer…
Knowledge management for the contact center: The secret behind successful digital CX transformation
The Forrester CX Index reports have been sounding like a broken record year after year. Not a single company offered “excellent customer service,” the index dropped, or it barely moved,…
Want to excel in customer engagement? Go “Dolly” in your contact center!
Those of you that are old enough like me might remember “Dolly,” the first-ever sheep to be cloned. Did you know that your best sales and service agents can also…
Desperately seeking findability
I’m not a big fan of Madonna’s acting talent—I have not even seen any of her movies. However, I get reminded of one of her 80’s movies titled “Desperately Seeking”…